Tour de XML

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The purpose of this page is to index a variety of XML things for short demos. I use this page to motivate students for learning XML in classes I teach, e.g. COAP 2180 and STIC II. I usually just show a picture or two and then do a live demo.

Text-centric formats (often hand-coded)

Semantically structured documents

  • DocBook, the most popular structured document format for writing books and manuals
  • DITA, a new modular extensible document architecture, popular with IBM.

Web contents

  • XHTML, was a popular web page format (maybe to be replaced by XHTML5 in some uncertain future). Mostly a dead project, but most browsers do support XHTML.

Data-centric formats (sometimes hand-coded)

Multimedia synchronization

News syndication

Vector graphics

  • SVG (*.svg), popular web format, part of HTML5. Visit SVG works in all browsers except IE 7/8.
  • X3D, unpopular 3D web format, new version of oldest Internet format (VRML). Visit X3Dom (webGL in-browser), or Interactive Demos from BS Contact (needs plugin to be installed)
  • Collada (*.dae), a 3D exchange format. Also used in Google Earth (via the Keyhole Markup language) and therefore fairly popular.

Data-centric formats


Authoring formats

Typically, authoring formats define the structure of a zip file, where a single XML file organizes the rest. Most contents are also encoded in XML.
Rename that type of file to *.zip to open and have fun with ...


XML for development

GUI generators

Programming languages and accessories made in XML


  • Browse the XML category.


Content of this article has been taken from EduTechWiki (en) or EduTechWiki (fr) at the date indicated in the history. DKS was the main founder and main contributor of EduTechWiki. If you cite this page you also must cite and credit EduTechWiki, according to the CC BY-NC-SA license. View the pageinfo-toolboxlink for this article.