Web prototyping software

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This piece needs updating ! / Daniel K. Schneider (talk) 21:45, 1 February 2015 (CET)


“Wireframing is one the best method to streamline your development process. But there are many tools and methods to choose from, when creating a wireframe. From to easiest one (hand sketching on paper), to much more complicated (desktop prototyping software, web-based prototyping software, mind-mapping software, etc). Which one is the most powerfull? Maybe any of them is just useless?” (Karol Zielinski, July 2009)


(random collection, none is endorsed by 18:12, 26 November 2010 (CET))

Drawing programms
  • Pencil and paper
  • Open office drawing program (Free)
  • Presentation software like OpenOffice presenter
  • Illustrator + Photoshop
  • OmmniGraffe + OmmiGraffle extensions (Mac)

For some programs one then can download special stencils, e.g.

Diagramming software

See diagramming software and to a lesser extent concept map and mind map software

Interactive Multimedia
  • Fireworks
  • Flash
  • Catalyst
GUI Builders / CASE tools
  • Flex (use Flash Builder just for the GUI outline)
Wireframe mockup

Wireframe mockups can illustrate of the layout of fundamental elements of the web page. There exist several kinds of tools, e.g.

  • Specific web wireframe tools (see this article for a longer list)
  • General purpose diagramming tools
  • General purpose GUI wireframe tools


Indexes (links of links)

  • Gui Prototyping Tools (good list in the original wiki, wow), up-to-date when retrieved 18:12, 26 November 2010 (CET).

Some software

See also:

Random list:

Comparisons and reviews

Introductions and further reading


Content of this article has been taken from EduTechWiki (en) or EduTechWiki (fr) at the date indicated in the history. DKS was the main founder and main contributor of EduTechWiki. If you cite this page you also must cite and credit EduTechWiki, according to the CC BY-NC-SA license. View the pageinfo-toolboxlink for this article.