Vocational training

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-- useless so far


This is an overview / menu page for things related to vocational training, also with the idea to support some activities in the DUAL-T project

Types of vocational training

The following is a list of "natural types" that may not be complete

Initial lower vocational training

Initial lower apprenticeship training

Switzerland has an interesting "apprentice" system. This initial vocational education concerns about 80% of the 16-20 olds and mostly is delivered through "dual mode", i.e. an apprenticeship in a business complemented by an average of 1-2 days of schooling / week in a vocational college. Germany and Danemark have a similar system.

Initial higher vocational training

Continous training

Workplace learning

Knowledge management & learning

Particular issues related to vocational training

(Just an index of some stuff within this wiki)

Community/Collective intelligence
Empowerment and development
Organisational issues
Cognitive / HCI



  • CEDEFOP, European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training.
  • OPET - Swiss federal office for Professional Education and Technology
  • VoCeD. Australian portal for for tertiary education, especially as it relates to workforce needs, skills development, and social inclusion.--------

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