Learning activity space

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“A Learning Activity Space (LAS) is defined as a coherent and intuitive set of activities supported with specific tools and scaffolds. The input and output of a LAS are described in terms of a set of artifacts created by students (further called emerging learning objects (ELOs).” (Lejeune et al. 2009b). In fact, the LAS structure is defined by designers or teachers. A learning scenario is defined by a collection of LASs and the various learning paths between them.

Sequencing of the activities provided by each LAS is not prescribed in a linear fashion but instead by the ELOs learners produce while performing these activities. “Each activity requires an input ELO developed previously in another LAS by the learners or a given learning object pre-defined by the content developers. The activities in a LAS result in at least one output ELO, but in many cases there can be several of these. Additionally, the activities are supported by tools that may or may not have scaffolding characteristics” (Lejeune et al., 2009)

This concept of Learning Activity Space (LAS) and its graphical representation were refined and developed in the context of an interdisciplinary European project named SCY (Science Created by You).

Using learning activity spaces

SCY defined thirteen initial LAS after analysing science learning scenarios: Analysis, Conceptualization, Construction, Debate, Design, Experiment, Evaluation, Information, Management, Orientation, Reflection, Regulation, and Reporting).

These LAS probably also include learning objects that are not necessarily emergent.

A designer of a scenario basically has to define LAS with activities that make use of tools.


  • Scy-net (project home page)
  • Collide Portal (University Duisburg-Essen, a Scy-net project partner that is known for maintaining their website (including publications and free software - Daniel K. Schneider).


  • SCY-SE Scenario and LAS editor. As of June 2009, not officially available.
  • Any combination of read/write technology (e.g. a wiki with needed additional tools (e.g. computer simulation environments).


  • M. Ney, N. Balacheff, “Learning aware environement: a Laboratorium of epidemiological studies" Workshop at Adaptive Hypermedia (AH), Hannover, Germany, 2008.
  • de Jong, T. van Joolingen, W.R., Weinberger, A, & the SCY team (2009). Learning by design. An example from the SCY-project. Paper to be presented at the CSCL 2009 conference, Rhodes, Greece, June 8-13, 2009. PDF Preprint
  • Lejeune, A., Ney, M., Weinberger, A., Pedaste, M., Bollen, L., Hovardas, T., Hoppe, U., & de Jong, T. (2009a). Learning Activity Spaces: Towards flexibility in learning design? Paper to be presented at the IEEE ICALT 2009 conference, Riga, Latvia, July 14-18, 2009. PDF Preprint
  • Lejeune, A., Ney, M., Weinberger, A., Pedaste, M., Bollen, L., Hovardas, T., Hoppe, U., & de Jong, T. (2009b). A graphical modeling language for computer-based learning scenarios. Paper to be presented at the International Workshop on Visual Design Languages and Applications for Technology Enhanced Learning (VIDLATEL). Riga, Latvia, July 14-18, 2009. PDF Preprint--------

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