One-to-one TEL

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  • One-to-One Technology-Enhanced Learning (1to1 TEL) is one way to look at the potential of mobile learning.
  • One-to-One Technology-Enhanced Learning “means that a student uses at least one computing device for learning. In some cases, a student may use more than one computing device or use a computing device together with some equipment in which there are some embedded micro-processors” (Chan et al.2006: 7).

The same authors associate "computing device" with mobile learning, i.e. the use of smaller hand-held devices. They enumerate according to (Klopfer, Squire & Jenkins, 2002) a number of features that make handhelds interesting for education:

  1. Portability that takes the computer to different sites and allows movement within a site so that the bounds of the classroom are extended to the limits of wireless networks;
  2. Social interactivity supported by via mobile and wireless technologies that enables direct peer-to-peer communication, data exchange, and face-to-face interactions and collaboration;
  3. Customization to the individual's path of investigation;
  4. Context sensitivity that automatically logs and aggregates usage for designing collaborative filtering systems and predictive user interfaces;
  5. Connectivity that creates a true shared environment via a common network for data collection among distributed devices;
  6. Combining digital and physical worlds with sensors, smart rooms, and ambient environments that capture real-world information of users, devices, and locations (geographical information systems) and represent it in a format that is usable in the digital realm.

(Chan et al.2006: 8).


One-to-One Technology-Enhanced Learning Bibliography


  • Chan, Tak-Wai et al. (2006), Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning Vol. 1, No. 1 (2006) 3-29, World Scientific Publishing Company & Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education. PDF.--------

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