Lim guidelines for instructional planning in TELE

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Cher Ping Lim argues that traditional ID models (called instructional design methods in this wiki) may be impractical for planning instruction in technology enhanced learning environments (TELE).

See also:

Lim (2009) suggests “that there is a need for the reexamination and reconstruction of classroom-oriented ID models, models that are in harmony with the work of teachers who actually plan instruction and models that mediate instructional planning in TELE to bring about fundamental transformation of instructional practices (as opposed to reinforcement of existing practices in technological guise).”

The five guidelines

  • Ensuring nonlinear and non-sequential treatment of ID elements.
  • Accounting for decisions made by other participants, especially students and other teachers.
  • Recognizing teachers’ interactions with his/her instructional and sociocultural-historical context.
  • Facilitating teachers’ re-examination of their existing practices to identify contradictions in his/her instructional planning process in TELE.
  • Supporting the teacher’s formulation of solutions to contradictions and employment of transformed practices for effective instruction in TELE.
(Lim, 2009: 72)


  • Lim, C. P. (2009). Formulating guidelines for instructional planning in technology enhanced learning environments. Journal Of Interactive Learning Research, 20(1), 55-74. AACE. Retrieved from


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