Expressive digital medium

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Expressive digitial media are Computational, Information and Communication Technologies designed to produce something. In that sense, this word can almost mean anything ....

In education:

  • expressive digial media refer to "learning with" (such as exploratory software) - as opposed to "learning through".
  • can be described a synonym of cognitive tool or microworld, under the condition that they encourage constructionist learning activities.

Often such media are based on component software that can be combined, configured, extended, parametrized, etc. to fit the user's (teacher's / student's) needs.

Teachers and expressive media

The expressive, communicative and productive potential of interactive digital media is the essence for defining innovative educational practice around new media (Kynigos).

'Expressive digitial media enable the teacher to receive and deliver more curriculum, leaving them completely out of upgrading the quality of their work and empowering them with expressive media which they may appropriate themselves and design contexts for empowering their students in the same ways. (Kynigos)

See also



Kynigos, C., Koutlis, M., and Hadzilakos, Th. (1997). Mathematics with Component-Oriented Exploratory Software. International Journal of Computers for Mathematical Learning, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, 2, 229-250.

Kynigos C. (2002). Generating Cultures for Mathematical Microworld Development in a Multi-Organisational Context. Journal of Educational Computing Research, Baywood Publishing Co. Inc. (1 and 2), 183-209.

Kynigos, C., Koutlis, M. (in press) 'E-slate', a "black-and-white box" approach to component computing. Interactive Learning Environments, a version of the paper was presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, 2002.--------


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