Program design and implementation (CAS HEiE) - week 4

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DKS:Program design and implementation (CAS HEiE)

Week 4 - Course design and activity design

  • Interactive Class: Monday November 7: 17h30 (!!!) - 19h30
  • Interactive Class: Wednesday November 9: 17h00 - 19h15
  • Public tutoring session: Friday November 11: 17h-19h

We shall re-discuss and re-use some module 2 topics (B. Class) and intensify project work.

What is learning and teaching  ?

Recall of some principles:

  • Instructional design models (methods): Define goals, define how to evaluate learning, design, implement
  • First principle of learning: Learners must be active
  • First principle of teaching: Structure the learning experience so that learners engage in learning activities and monitor learning activities
  • Fit course design to learning types and levels: Different learning types require different strategies, beginners may need more direct instruction than advanced learners
  • Choose the right learning materials: Online and offline textbooks, (interactive) multimedia presentations, computer-supported collaborative activities, computer-based learning tools (exercising, simulations, serious games, etc.)
  • Relationship between learning activities, tutoring and learning materials: You can "build" teaching functionality into learning materials, however this is costly and removes flexibility. Any classes should be tutored in one way or another (by a teacher, tutors, or peer tutoring).
  • Alignment principle: Learning goals, evaluation strategies and teaching/learning activities must be aligned.

Defining a course structure and organization

Major types of course structures

Mode (distance with tutoring, self-learning, various mixed, classroom, etc)

Activity structures

Learner support and follow-up (tutoring, learner and teacher cockpits/analytics)

Learner evaluation models

Formative vs. summative evaluation A course design should include both formative and summative evaluation:

  1. Formative evaluation provides feedback to the learner that allows him/her to correct action and progress. In case of failure, you can suggest corrective action.
  2. Summative evaluation evaluates and grades the state of knowledge with respect to defined learning goals.

You can both at the same time.


Assment strategy must be aligned with learning goals and learning activities.

  • E.g. if the learning goal is acquire applicable skills and the learning activity project-oriented, you must evaluate the project

Program-level decisions

  • Each class can define different ways to evaluate students. However, some principles (e.g. using the same grading scale) should be shared. Mass education programs are usually more automatized, therefore most elements should be shared.
  • Avoid administering only final exams only in distance education, since many students will not be prepared. In larger classes without strong tutoring, organize at least a mid-term exam plus regular self-evaluation quizzes

Pedagogic strategies

Models for Instructional designs

There exist many popular pedagogic strategies. Some include models that define learning sequences.

Direct instruction - 9 events of instruction

Gagnés (1974) [1] nine events of instruction still set the gold standard for "traditional" teaching. It can be applied to both classroom and online teaching.

  1. Gain attention (ground the lesson, motivate)P
    • Present a good problem, a new situation, use a multimedia advertisement, ask questions…
  1. Describe the goal (frame the information, create expectancies)
    • State what will be accomplished, how knowledge can be used, give a demonstration,...
  2. Stimulate recall of prior knowledge (help connecting)
    • … facts, rules, procedures or skills relevant to the current lesson ….
  3. Present the material to be learned
    • e.g. text, graphics, simulations, figures, pictures, sound, etc. Chunk information
  4. Provide guidance for learning
    • Presentation of content is different from instructions on how to learn. Use of different channel (e.g. side-boxes)
  5. Elicit performance "practice"
    • Let the learner do something with the knowledge, practice skills or apply knowledge. At least use MCQ's.
  6. Provide informative feedback ,
    • show correctness of the trainee's response, analyze learner's behavior, maybe present a good (step-by-step) solution of the problem
  7. Assess performance, test if the lesson has been learned.
    • Also provide general progress information
  8. Enhance retention and transfer :
    • e.g. inform the learner about similar problem situations, provide additional practice. Put the learner in a transfer situation...

Project-based learning

Inquiry learning


4C/ID is an ambitious instructional design model that attempts to combine project-based learning with direct instruction.

Communal constructivism

Learning design

  • Definition of scenario
  • Learning design (see also module 2) and tools
  • Show 2-3 simple methods, e.g. forms (online or paper), concept maps
  • Usability (clear instructions, clear evaluation criteria, etc.), for new types of activities: training and onboarding

Module project

  • Complete the program design form
  • Check that all sample activities in you Moodle class are done
  1. Gagné, R. M. (1974). Essentials of learning for instruction. (2nd ed.). Hinsdale, IL: The Dryden Press.