The RFC (Request for Comments) series contains technical and organizational documents about the Internet, including the technical specifications and policy documents produced by theInternet Engineering Task Force of the Internet Society (Wikipedia)
Some of these are standards, some have just informational or experimental status. The publications process has been design to be fast and there is a peer control mechanism (i.e. an RFC first must be published as an Internet Draft.
Categories of RFCs
Today there are over 3000 RFCs (some obsolete, e.g. superseded by more recent ones).
- Standards RFCs
Some of the most popular RFCs concern all the things that make Internet work....
- "For your Information" (FYU) RFCs
A few contain guidelines for usage/behavior, e.g.
- RFC-1855 - Netiquette Guidelines. It contains advice like:
“Read both mailing lists and newsgroups for one to two months before you post anything. This helps you to get an understanding of the culture of the group.”
- Current Best Practices
These are technical documents that tell how to use standards (e.g. implement something). E.g.
- For education
There are not many RFC standards that address education, since RFCs deal with rather lower technical layers of Internet.
- RFC Repositories
- Internet FAQ Archives (The subtitle of this archive which also contains the RFCs is "online Education" :)
- Request for comments at The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). I rather suggest to use the link above if you want to browse, This archive is better to search.
- How-to
- Internet society
- Internet Engineering Task Force of the Internet Society (Wikipedia)
- http://www.isoc.org/
- RFC 3160 (The Tao of IETF: A Novice's Guide to the Internet Engineering Task Force)--------
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