Embroidery format JEF

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Machine embroidery
to finalize avanced
See also

JEF Format

JEF Header

Type Bytes Value Description
`u32` 4 0x74 +8 * Color_Changes Offset into file where stitches begin.
`u32` 4 0x14 Unknown.
`char` 14 "20180712082429" (example) Date
`char` 1 'm', 'n', 'o','p','q','r','s',t' Version letter. 12000: m, 11000: n, 10000v3: o, 10000 v2.2 p, 9000 q, mc350, r, mc200 s, mb4 t. Janome's software leaves this as 00 00 at times.
`u8` 1 0x20 Unknown
`u32` 4 Color Count Color Count
`u32` 4 Points Length / 2 Points Length /2. So 80 01 00 00 is 2 not 1.
`u32` 4 Hoop Used Hoop
`u32` 16 Extends Distances from center of hoop.
`u32` 16 Edge amount for hoop Distance from default 110 x 110 Hoop, or -1,-1,-1,-1 if does not fit.
`u32` 16 Edge amount for hoop Distance from default 50 x 50 Hoop, or -1,-1,-1,-1 if does not fit.
`u32` 16 Edge amount for hoop Distance from default 140 x 200 Hoop, or -1,-1,-1,-1 if does not fit.
`u32` 16 Edge amount for hoop Distance from custom hoop, or -1,-1,-1,-1 if does not fit.
`u32` 4 * Color_Changes Magic Number Color Lookup List of colors changes.
`u32` 4 * Color_Changes 0x0D The values 0x0D, 0x0D, 0x0D, 0x0D repeated as many times as there are color changes.


Width Height Value
110 110 0
50 50 1
140 200 2
126 110 3
200 200 4

JEF Body


A stitch is two bytes of X, Y coords in 2s complement between (-127,127)


If the X value is 0x80 (-128) then the issued value is a command, the command is predicated on the value of Y. Each command is 4 bytes long: 0x80, 0x??, dx, dy (except END which simply ends at 0x80, 0x10).

Command B0 B1
END 0x80 0x10
COLOR_CHANGE 0x80 0x01
STOP 0x80 0x01
JUMP 0x80 0x02
TRIM 0x80 0x02

The trim command is a JUMP with 0 distance x or y.

The actual Janome machines often have a few settings here. "Off" which performs no trimming. "Auto" or "Easy" that performs a trim at the color changes, end, or any jump longer than 3mm. And manual which lets you configure the jump length of the jump thread cutting, the cutting at the color change/end, or at a "cutting command".

Some programs provide trims by color changes. Since the machine can be set to trim at a color change. It performs a color change to the same color, which forces the machine to trim. The zero distance jump 0x80 0x02 0x00 0x00 appears to work as trim in the settings of Janome machines with that option.

JEF Colors

Red Green Blue Description Index#
0 0 0 Unknown 0
0 0 0 Black 1
255 255 255 White 2
255 255 23 Sunflower 3
250 160 96 Hazel 4
92 118 73 Olive Green 5
64 192 48 Green 6
101 194 200 Sky 7
172 128 190 Purple 8
245 188 203 Pink 9
255 0 0 Red 10
192 128 0 Brown 11
0 0 240 Blue 12
228 195 93 Gold 13
165 42 42 Dark Brown 14
213 176 212 Pale Violet 15
252 242 148 Pale Yellow 16
240 208 192 Pale Pink 17
255 192 0 Peach 18
201 164 128 Beige 19
155 61 75 Wine Red 20
160 184 204 Pale Sky 21
127 194 28 Yellow Green 22
185 185 185 Silver Grey 23
160 160 160 Grey 24
152 214 189 Pale Aqua 25
184 240 240 Baby Blue 26
54 139 160 Powder Blue 27
79 131 171 Bright Blue 28
56 106 145 Slate Blue 29
0 32 107 Nave Blue 30
229 197 202 Salmon Pink 31
249 103 107 Coral 32
227 49 31 Burnt Orange 33
226 161 136 Cinnamon 34
181 148 116 Umber 35
228 207 153 Blonde 36
225 203 0 Sunflower 37
225 173 212 Orchid Pink 38
195 0 126 Peony Purple 39
128 0 75 Burgundy 40
160 96 176 Royal Purple 41
192 64 32 Cardinal Red 42
202 224 192 Opal Green 43
137 152 86 Moss Green 44
0 170 0 Meadow Green 45
33 138 33 Dark Green 46
93 174 148 Aquamarine 47
76 191 143 Emerald Green 48
0 119 114 Peacock Green 49
112 112 112 Dark Grey 50
242 255 255 Ivory White 51
177 88 24 Hazel 52
203 138 7 Toast 53
247 146 123 Salmon 54
152 105 45 Cocoa Brown 55
162 113 72 Sienna 56
123 85 74 Sepia 57
79 57 70 Dark Sepia 58
82 58 151 Violet Blue 59
0 0 160 Blue Ink 60
0 150 222 Solar Blue 61
178 221 83 Green Dust 62
250 143 187 Crimson 63
222 100 158 Floral Pink 64
181 80 102 Wine 65
94 87 71 Olive Drab 66
76 136 31 Meadow 67
228 220 121 Canary Yellow 68
203 138 26 Toast 69
198 170 66 Beige 70
236 176 44 Honey Dew 71
248 128 64 Tangerine 72
255 229 5 Ocean Blue 73
250 122 122 Sepia 74
107 224 0 Royal Purple 75
56 108 174 Yellow Ocher 76
208 186 176 Beige Grey 77
227 190 129 Bamboo 78


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