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Code'n'Stitch is an extension to Pocket Code that allows coding self-created patterns and designs which can be exported in the DST format. Imported on DST capable stitching machines, these designs can be stitched on t-shirts, pants, or even bags or shoes. With Pocket Code, the embroidery machines becomes programmable, similar to the Turtlestitch project, which realizes this concept on a PC (while with Pocket Code only a smartphone is needed). As a result, teenagers have something they can be proud of, something they can wear, and they can show to others. This feature has proven to be especially engaging for female teenagers and shows them new ways of expressing themselves creatively through coding.

Project Code’n’Stitch (September 2018 – August 2020). In September 2018 a new project funded by FEMtech (FFG) started. To make Pocket Code more interesting and attractive for our target group of young women between 12 and 15 years old, we are continuously extending the app's embroidery extension. The project is realized together with “bits4kids” and the Styrian fashion shop “Apflbutzn”. (retrieved Jan 2019 from News).

Use and Versions

The user must turn on the embroidery extension in the settings (via the three dots menu in the main screen). Once the extension is turned on, there is a new "Stitch" brick in the now available "Embroidery" category of bricks. As of 4/2019, this brick only exists in the background object. It puts a single stitch at the current x,y position of the background object. Once the execution is stopped, the user is offered a choice to export the created DST file.

The next version will have the stitch brick available in all objects. Stitches from different layers, and/or different objects will be rendered as different colors in the DST file.

The Catrobat team is also working on other features such as zig-zag stitches and tatami patterns etc. They are continuously expanding the embroidery features.


And here are a few sample projects made with the extension: