Pivotal tracker

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Pivotal tracker is a rapid prototyping tool implementing a SCRUM approach.

“Pivotal Tracker is [...] a service product for agile project management and collaboration. [...] Development teams break down project requirements into small, concrete stories, and arrange them in a shared backlog in priority order, using a drag-and-drop interface. The team then works through these stories and completes them, while the team's customer accepts completed stories and provides feedback. The workflow is based on "Extreme Programming" agile software development, and supports Scrum. The tool includes file sharing and task management, velocity tracking and iteration planning; release markers; and progress charts” (Wikipedia, retrieved June 22, 2012)


Evaluations / Opinions
Education examples


Vance, Austin (2012). Narwhal: A Case Study Developing a Web Application for the Classroom Utilizing Behavior Driven Development, BA thesis, Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, FL, http://home.eckerd.edu/~cickovtm/CS410/vance.pdf


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