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* Yokana, L. (2015). Creating an authentic maker education rubric. Edutopia. Retrieved from:
* Yokana, L. (2015). Creating an authentic maker education rubric. Edutopia. Retrieved from:

[[category:Fab lab]]
[[category: digital design and fabrication]]

Latest revision as of 01:43, 10 April 2021



Digital design and fabrication in education is an emerging discipline, e.g. in the UK under the label "Design and technology". In this page will focus on the potential of digital design and fabrication to teach and learn ICT skills.

Contents will include citations and summaries that then could be used for further exploration, research and teaching activities. - Daniel K. Schneider (talk) 16:27, 25 May 2018 (CEST)

See also:


  • Anderson, L. W., & Krathwohl, D. R. (2001). A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching and Assessing: A revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of educational objectives. New York: Longman.
  • Brown, A. (2015). 3D printing in instructional settings: Identifying a curricular hierarchy of activities. TechTrends, 59(5), 16–24. doi: 10.1007/s11528-015-0887-1
  • Jacobs,Jennifer; Mitchel Resnick, and Leah Buechley. 2014. Dresscode: supporting youth in computational design and making. In Constructionism. Vienna, Austria.
  • Jacobs, J., Brandt, J., Mech, R., & Resnick, M. (2018, April). Extending Manual Drawing Practices with Artist-Centric Programming Tools. In Proceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (p. 590). ACM.
  • Jacobs, Jennifer and Leah Buechley. 2013. Codeable Objects: Computational Design and Digital Fabrication for Novice Programmers. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1589–1598.
  • Kanada Yaususi, (2016) "3D printing of generative art using the assembly and deformation of direction-specified parts", Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 22 Issue: 4, pp.636-644,
  • Kumpulainen, Kristiina (2018). Makerspaces – Why They Are Important For Digital Literacy Education, in Marsh, J., Kumpulainen, K., Nisha, B., Velicu, A., Blum-Ross, A., Hyatt, D., Jónsdóttir, S.R., Levy, R., Little, S., Marusteru, G., Ólafsdóttir, M.E., Sandvik, K., Scott, F., Thestrup, K., Arnseth, H.C., Dýrfjörð, K., Jornet, A., Kjartansdóttir, S.H., Pahl, K., Pétursdóttir, S. and Thorsteinsson, G. (2017) Makerspaces in the Early Years: A Literature Review. University of Sheffield: MakEY Project. ISBN: 9780902831506
  • Papert, S. (2005). You can’t think about thinking without thinking about thinking about something. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 5(3/4), 366 -367.
  • Solin, Pavel. The International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education, suppl. ESCO 2016 SPECIAL ISSUE; Plymouth Vol. 24, Iss. 4, (Oct-Dec 2017): 191-198.
  • Sousa, D. A., & Pilecki, T. (2013). From STEM to STEAM: Using brain-compatible strategies to integrate the arts. Thousand Oaks: Corwin.


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