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“The IMS Question & Test Interoperability (QTI) specification describes a data model for the representation of question (assessmentItem) and test (assessmentTest) data and their corresponding results reports. Therefore, the specification enables the exchange of this item, test and results data between authoring tools, item banks, test constructional tools, learning systems and assessment delivery systems.” (IMS Question & Test Interoperability Specification WebSite, retrieved 16:40, 10 December 2006 (MET))

According to the IMS Question and Test Interoperability Overview (2006) QTI

is designed to facilitate interoperability between a number of systems that are described here in relation to the actors that use them. Specifically, QTI is designed to:

  • Provide a well documented content format for storing and exchanging items independent of the authoring tool used to create them.
  • Support the deployment of item banks across a wide range of learning and assessment delivery systems.
  • Provide a well documented content format for storing and exchanging tests independent of the test construction tool used to create them.
  • Support the deployment of items, item banks, and tests from diverse sources in a single learning or assessment delivery system.
  • Provide systems with the ability to report test results in a consistent manner.

IMS QTI can according to the specification be integrated with IMS Learning Design and IMS Simple Sequencing

It has been adopted somewhat by some LMS (import/export). IMS Common Cartridge also implements a subset.



(by no means complete !! - Daniel K. Schneider (talk) 15:15, 20 June 2013 (CEST))

LMS support
  • Dead project: QTI Engine Moodle Plugin (Sourceforge). As of June 2012, the code was three years old, Moodle version was not specified and may no work. Other attempts probably have been made.


  • IMS Question and Test Interoperability Overview Version 2.1 Public Draft (revision 2) Specification HTML, retrieved 16:55, 10 December 2006 (MET)